Monday, September 30, 2019

Compare and contrast mongol rule Essay

During the 12th and 13th centuries the Mongols swept across Eurasia and conquered various peoples, including the Persians and Chinese. There are many slmllarltles and differences In the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on the Abbasid Empire In Persia and on the Yuan Dynasty In china. In both regions, the Mongols were relatively tolerant of all religions. However, they differed in that the Mongol’s allowed Persia to have native administrators but did not allow China to. When the Mongols ruled in Persia and China, they respected all the religions they encountered. In Persia, the Mongols were attracted to Islam and overtime they ssimilated to it. The Mongols were intrigued by Muslim society and by the year 1295, the Persian khanate had converted to Islam. They built mosques throughout the region and returned Islam toa privileged position of Persian society. The Mongols were also tolerant of the other religions in Persia including. Nestorian Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism. In China as well, the Mongols respected all cultural and religious traditions. They began to adopt some of Chinese culture, like ancestor worship. Khubilai Khan even built temples for his predecessors, so he could practice ancestor worship. The Mongols tolerated religions and belief systems such as, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and Christianity. They allowed churches, temples and shrines to be built, because they wanted to maintain a good relationship with the people ot the region. Although the Mongols tolerated Confucianism, they did not allow It to have official support. The Mongols effects on rellglon In Persia and china were quite similar. The Mongol’s ways of governing In Persia differed from how they governed In China. In Persia, the Mongols ruled using ideas from Persian bureaucracy. They set up many district and appointed provincial governors. The highest government positions were held by Mongols, but Persians were allowed to be government offcers at lower levels. Persians served as state officials, ministers and provincial governors. The Mongols allowed the Persians to govern the ilkhanate because they knew the Persians had a successful government and would be able to maintain order. However, the Mongols required the Persians to deliver tax receipts as a way of limiting Persian power. The Mongols set up government in China very differently than they had in Persia. The Mongol’s pushed native Chinese people to the bottom of the hierarchy. The Mongols got rid of Civil Service Exams because they thought there was no need for them. They did not make use of Chinese administrative talent; instead they had foreign administrators govern China. The governing staff included Persians, Arabs and some Europeans. The Mongols didnt want Chinese people to rule because all they wanted from China was to generate revenue and have the people be cultivators. The Mongols governed and treated the Chinese and Persian people very differently. The Mongols political and economic control on Persia and China were alike In some ways and unalike in others. The treatment and tolerance of religions in China ere very similar to that In Persia. Yet, the administrative control in Persia differed than the administrative control In China. The Mongols had multiple methods of ruling conquered regions, none 0T wnlcn were very successTul. However, tnrougnout the Mongols rule, they facilitated trade and encouraged long distance communication throughout Eurasia, which led to cultural diffusion that can still be seen today. Additionally, the Mongols support of Islam helped establish its popularity and encouraged its spread, which has contributed to Islam being the fastest growing and second largest religion.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Disputations Preacher

Known by the name, Girolamo Savonarola, he was born in 1452 Italy, however, different sources give varied accounts of his native town, some say it is Ferrara while others say it is in Occhiobello, which is 7 km from Ferrara. A man whose life was controversial, dramatic as well as tragic. Savonarola left a mark as a man who cared nothing for dictatorial protocol and official pretense. At Ferrara University, he took his undergraduate studies in Arts. He initially portrayed his feeling on morally corruption among the clergy, at the age of twenty, when he took them head on in his poem titled De Ruina Mundi (on the fall of the world). hich bespoke the destruction of the world. Hot on its heels came another poem in 1475 named, De Ruina Ecclesiae (on the downfall of the church). It is here that he portrayed his contempt of the Roman curia by defining it as ‘a false whore'. Savonarola went on to join the Dominican congregation in the year 1475, where he entered the San Domenico convent at Bologna. This coincided with the Italian Renaissance . Savonarola immersed himself in his studies with zeal, this saw him transfer to the Convent of Santa Maria Degli Angeli in 1479. In 1482 he was deployed by the oder to what came later to be known as, the city of his destiny- Florence. People bemoaned his ungainly character and poor oratory skills. The impression he made of himself on the people of Florence was so dismal that, they never noticed his eventual departure in1487. This took him back to Bologna, where he went on to become the master of studies. Savonarola went on to preach on prophesies he had, such as the occupation of Florence by the French. He went on to become more, outspoken and took a hard stance that sometimes ended making him some kind of a misfit among the people. He believed in the classification of issues and actions in only two categories: the good and the bad. Savonarola, was later to fall into bad books with the orders of the catholic church. This led to he excommunication by the pope ,who was later to authorize his arrest. All this was later followed his arrest, torture, prosecution and eventual execution,on grounds of heresy sedition and for proclaiming prophetic statements. His execution took place in 1498 where he was burnt at the stake alongside his two ardent disciples. It is important to note that Savonarola remained defiant onto death. This is attested to by the fact that even though he wrote a confession, he followed it with a meditation, where he pleaded with God to forgive him for pleading to sins he did not commit. Different schools of thought view Savonarola differently, however all agree that Savonarola is one big disputation theme for all and sundry. Savonarola's thinking later on came to be known as not only a way of thought but also a guiding light for both conservatism thinkers and reformists. cholars have look at the Savonarola way of thought, as a linchpin for serous revolutionary discourse as well as a reason for serous research and study into the history of disputation theory. Either way it is looked at, the Savonarola way of thought can serve any of the above purposes depending on the interest of the one examining it. (Polizzotto, 1995) describes how followers of Savonarola had influence that permeated every facet of Florentine life . This was during the important happenings that saw the transition of the city on from republic to principate. In his words, their ideology and activities offer the key to demystifying both the political happenings of the latter years of the Florentine Republic, as well as the nature of contemporary political debate. It also gives an insight into the characteristics of the merging Medicean Principate. DISPUTATION This was a preaching method commonly utilized by the Dominicans. It employed a system of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. It was manly distinguishable from methods by its clashing of ideas. This was the academic background from which Savonarola emanated. (Hazel,n. d. p. -17) puts it ‘like his Dominican contemporaries, the young Savonarola was trained in the disputation method, and it has a marked influence on his style of preaching'. In examining the Rhetorical influences that surrounded Savonarola in his formative days, we can form a good idea of the facets of a good renaissance discourse. For Savonarola the summon was the most effective tool of bringing about moral reform. H is tendency to rely on the summon for moral reform can be attributed to the fact that he was a Dominican. Dominicans have gone down in history as strong believes in rhetoric and disputation Savonarola though came to believe in his oratory skill almost by pure accident He initially experimented with rhetoric, to very successful results much to his own consternation. (Hazel, n. d, p. 4-17) one incident confirmed his power to him. While traveling the seas on a boat, he noticed a bunch of soldiers gambling using dice and cards. He so furiously denounced this activity with such bitterness that they stooped the gambling, much to his own surprise. This vitriolic manner would be the benchmark of his future preaching. Savonarola derived most of his rhetoric effectiveness from the fact that he was perceived as a prophet by many. He was more of what could today be regarded as a doom sayer. His passionate way of preaching eventually earned him very ardent supporters, who later came to play a very pivotal role in determining the success of his campaigns. Savonarola followers were compelled to develop a way by which to survive the turbulent times and be able to carry on their campaign of trying to fight what they believed to be moral decadence. SAVONAROLA AS AN EXAMPLE OF RESISTANCE TO ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE IN CONTEMPORARY ORGANIZATIONS. Savonarola came into the picture in the immediate post renaissance period. his was a time marked by reduced enforcement of the doctrines. It was a period of widespread immorality and more so, among the proletariat. The church orders were also not spared the widespread liberalism in the church at the time. The church was going through a period when it had relaxed its stand on the usage of disguises, jewelery and other such adornments. He got a huge following of a group that he ca lled the weepers. This group went through the city, raiding houses for paintings, jewelry, mirrors, combs and all that they considered unbecoming of good followers of the religion. The passion with which he defended his views was infectious and convincing enough to earn hims the attention of the masses. He further utilized his rhetoric to have people convinced that whatever he was speaking was bound to happen. since the first instance when he convinced the soldiers of the illegitimacy and the immorality of the act they were engaging in, he got convinced of the ability to sway peoples thoughts. The benchmark of the rhetoric of Savonarola is the ability to draw parallelism, between the acts people are engaged in, and prophecies or documentation, or practices of hither. During his mission to return the people into the accepted practices, or the practices he viewed as acceptable, he had to use rhetoric effectively. Rhetoric served as such a powerful and effective too since as it is stated that it went a long way into attracting meaningful attention. Savonarola viewed the pope as a big failure in allowing the insurgence of renaissance. This was the foundation of his thinking that the pope, was a major hurdle in his efforts to marshal people, back to the accepted and traditionally practiced doctrines. Kreis, 2000) Savonarola viewed himself as an instrument of God, and and did not believe in anything deterring him– not even Lorenzo the Magnificent, could stand in his way. He envisioned the reconstruction Florence as a â€Å"respublica Christiana,† a Christian republic, a republic in where allegiance was to the true sovereign God and God alone. This resentment to the establishment was particularly informed by the fact that, Pope Alexander I V had two illegitimate children, which were an obvious testimony of his wayward behavior. All the sane this was not the only informing idea behind Savonarola's vehemence. The commitment of the Pope to renaissance gave him a curious mix of both the earthly and the religious. To the conservatism this was a clear and sure show of moral rot and if condoned was bound to bring doom to all and sundry. The biggest challenge that was facing the conservative was in trying to turn people around to their way of thinking, and to fuel sufficient phobia of doom in the people. This activity was also faced by another challenged in that, the church and the ruling powers of the society were so much intertwined. Therefore for the conservatives to effectively combat the newly adapted and overwhelmingly accepted way of life, they had to wage a battle and sustain in long enough to sway a good following. Both the religious (Pope) and the social (Medici) authorities therefore fell in the bad books of the conservatives. The question of the most effective method of achieving this was then the only answer he had to seek out. Here rhetoric through preaching became the way out and as (Hazel,n. d p. 4-17) puts it Savonarola was opposed to both the Medici and the Pope. He used his rhetoric though preaching to stir up resentment to both the Medici and the Pope. The two were a very then powerful ruling coalition. The question that is likely to arise is: how was this possible?. Savonarola painted such a grim picture of the impeding damnation and the inferno of hell. He used his rhetoric so effectively that he painted a picture, grim enough to sway even the staunchest of souls. However for the Medici he was to be viewed with suspicion as a man preaching the return to the morality of the medieval times that they were trying to move people from. This unprecedented opposition of the ruling coalition earned him many supporters In contemporary organizations these days, rhetoric can be a very effective in resisting change. However there are some very basic requirements that must be met in remaining true to the Savonarola example. First and most important, the originators and the propagators of the rhetoric must be fully convinced of the philosophies that inform their rhetoric. This is attested top by the Savonarola example, in that, in as much as there was very stiff opposition to his stance in issues of morality and the tenets of religious beliefs, he stood his ground. This is despite the fact, that he was fighting what could be correctly termed as, a David versus Goliath battle against the powerful ruling coalition, comprising of the Medici and the Pope. The perpetrators of modern day rhetoric who desire to attain any meaningful success in fighting changes in institutional structures also ought to stand their ground. They also ought to be fully aware of the exact parameters within which their arguments and their expectations lie. This is shown in Savonarola's depiction of authority as put in the words of ( Hazel,n. Savonarola draws parallelism between the sinners of those days and the merchants who Jesus whipped while they were trading in the temple. In as much as the traders had permission from the Jewish leadership, Jesus on his side was heeding a higher decree from the father. Savonarola therefore advises his followers to act like Jesus and defy the regulations from the rulers since they do not augur well with the biblical teachings. The convic tion with which you defend you arguments is perhaps defined by the manner in which Savonarola defended his. Savonarola is known to have defended his stand all the way to grave, this is evident in the way he wrote down meditations to the effect that, he prayed to God for forgiveness. He sought forgiveness for confessing to sins he felt he wasn't guilty of. The disputations of Savonarola are very vital in highlighting the effectiveness of rhetoric which is backed by conviction. The passion that is a key requirement especially in such contradictory situations plays a key role in the swaying of the peoples way of thinking. Many are the times, when very passionate public, speakers who are actually trying to sell ideas, that could otherwise have been viewed as vague, have been accepted instead of their more informed yet less passionate counterparts. A good example of passionate public rhetorician is one catholic priest by the name of Charles Coughlin of the 1930. He spoke co passionately about the occurrences of the time on public radio that he gained a very wide public audience. This is not withstanding the fact that he was talking about the normal happenings. It is however important to note that he used to approach these arguments with passion and controversy. The rhetoric however is always effective if ,and only if it is directed. This was a real highpoint of Savonarola. He directed the gall of his rhetoric towards the failing of the ruling elite and the church leadership. The modern times rhetorics especially those opposed to institutional changes normally make informed attacks of specific institutions, people, or activities in trying to give ground to their rhetoric. This has been demonstrated in most cases in instances when the perpetrators of rhetoric have painted grim pictures of doom in the peoples minds, if the organizations do not remain the way they are. However this directed criticism has to be informed by facts that cannot be easily disputed. This was the case in the instance when the followers of Savonarola knew for a fact that the deeds they were fighting against were realities that could not be contested. The other key reason for any rhetoric to be effective is its being backed by action. In any resistance to organizational changes. Actions can always play a key role in swaying people into thinking your way. This is actually a very vital display of conviction and commitment to the cause. In as much as power of rhetoric delivery is likely to earn one good following, resistance to institutional change is actually a major challenge. Savonarola backed his rhetoric with radical actions and these were both bold and rampant. The adherents of his rhetoric alongside him, attacked all that they thought represented the rot in the church. They also attacked and burned all that was associated with the laxity that came with the renaissance, This was the hallmark and the culmination of his disputation rhetoric. Groups of youths that were drawing inspiration from him roamed the city in vigilante groups, they collected all that was associated with the demeaning change and burnt them at what later came to be called the fire of vanity. This eventually convinced the people that the disputationist had a case, they therefore swayed their stand and started following him in larger numbers. However it is of importance to note that, any action taken in the efforts to resist the advent of change should be taken with a lot of moderation. This is due to the fact that the extreme tends to shock people into resting the efforts directed at resisting the change. This can be justified by the case of what eventually happened to Savonarola. The activities of people being held at ransom by marauding youths led to resentment amongst the people. This was also due to the fact that the people felt that they were denied the pleasures of the changing times. The other failure was due to lack of moderation in public displays of allegiance to the French. Savonarola sided with the French in their occupation of the city of Florence, this landed him inn bad books with the populace. It is therefore of essence that in passion in resisting organizational change ought to be metered and moderated. In modern times leaders who try to resist change using rhetoric should be guided by the principle of moderation and public acceptability of pronouncements and deeds. This can enhance a steady yet acceptable and successful resistance. The people following Savonarola also required to have regulations, this was however a major failing of the Friar which eventually was instrumental in occasioning his downfall. THE DISPUTATION PREACHER AS A CATALYST FOR ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE. Savonarola has widely been depicted as big resistance and a conservatist. He was known for resisting the changes that the proletariat were introducing into the thinking of the people and the church. Much as all this is true, he can as well be observed as a person who played a pivotal role in awakening peoples thinking and perception of hierarchy and stipulations. Savonarola came into the picture during a time when the Pope and the Medici had such a cordial and strong relationship. It was during the time when a decree from the pope was treated as law. Great lessons on effective change can be learnt from the preacher. First he openly opposed the moral rot in the religious orders at that time. The eventual reformation that took place in the orders of the church, that eventually led to the protestant movement, were not a mere accident. We can not also, exclusively say that they, emanated from the Ninety five theses that were authored Martin Luther. They started all the way with the public denunciation of the proletariat by Savonarola. It ought not to escape our attention that such deeds as these call for guts and conviction. Therefore Savonarola was key in starting the reformists thinking that saw major changes in the church. Similarly the contemporary leaders of the day could borrow a leaf from the stance of Savonarola and stand their ground in the face of such daunting tasks. This can point people in the right direction if the strong and vitriolic rhetoric is to be used effectively. If such tactics are used then much can possibly be accomplished. his will all be a catalytic role since just like Savonarola accomplices will be essential for the wider goal to be achieved. The use of rhetoric to instigate social change also ought to be well informed and guided by the need for general good of the involved society. It is in this respect that Savonarola was able to obtain a good following. In the first instance, he painted a very gr im picture of the realities facing the people. Painted a very dull picture of what awaited the people in in future. With this clearly understood, he prodded people into following him into a revolution that was to same people from the inevitable eternal damnation. People followed his advice since they felt that by so doing they could evade the oncoming apocalypse. It is in this light that, the contemporary leaders in the current day organizations, ought to inform people of the doom awaiting them in the future if the present is not well dispensed with. They need to match the rhetoric so stated with words leads the people to revitalize and energize their need to do good. The driving force behind this need to do good is the underlying fact that the good is like a boomerang. The thinking and speech of Savonarola was clearly against the grain and the activities of the time. He brought to the fore the failings of a papacy which very many revered till then. True to form, the contemporary leaders of these days are supposed to give room for fresh, radical and new ways of thought. This can be a vital way of energizing peoples thoughts. not all that is radical or new is bad. this was clearly shown in Savonarola's time. In as much as Savonarola fell into bad books and was eventually hanged, he was right in several claims. For example he argued that the Vatican had turned into a den of prostitution, this was right due to the fact that the pope was outright promiscuous. Therefore people ought to be allowed free reign of thought and encouraged into offering new ideas. Rhetoric is good tool of encouraging and enhancing involvement of the masses into peoples activity. This is shown in how effectively Savonarola was able to cajole the people of Florence into feeling a s part of his vision. (Hazel, n. d) he reverts to his analogy of Christ driving money changers out of the temple with ropes. He sees his tongue as the major ropes and then asks people to be the other smaller ropes with which to drive out the church officials. In this way he manges to fit the people into the picture. hey now feel like they are part of the battle against the moral rot. They therefore are given the feeling that they have a role to play in driving the agenda forward. The contemporary organization leaders these days ought to adopt the same attitude, if their rhetoric is going to be effective. There is need to orient people into feeling that they belong to the wider picture. The ability to integrate the people in the people into the picture helps in creating a progressive force . The ability to have people working in tandem for a common goal as well helps in increasing the peoples resolve to do things together and do them well. The protests that Savonarola mounted were three pronged, they addressed the three major issues of the society. He addressed the love for splendor and money, hence the economy. He addressed the prophetic revelations he had, hence religion. Finally he addressed the failure of the Medici hence he addressed the political administration. Therefore for any modern rhetoric to be effective, if Savonarola is to be used as a benchmark, the modern leaders ought to address and effectively so, the above three major issues. The effective handling of these three makes a wholesome and effective approach in any Rhetoric. CONCLUSION Modern users of rhetoric ought to put in mind and effectively integrate the Savonarola approach. this is a sure way of ensuring efficiency. little has been said about the good that was raised by the rhetoric of Savonarola, however a lot can be learnt from his approach. His approach was very much in line with the accepted and very much utilized approaches to rhetoric. In modern times the approach to the rhetoric always uses the same reasoning as the guiding light. Effective address of the issues at hand ought to be a key consideration in the delivery of rhetoric. Zeal and passion are also key in the delivery. The interplay between such delivery and well planned out actions increases the effectiveness. Disputation also serves as a good way of engaging the thinking of all and sundry. Disputation though tends to be more of and elitist approach which can be a major impediment to the engagement of masses in a discourse. However it is more effective since it is more mind engaging and provokes more insightful thinking. Many a times different people have used rhetoric effectively. This has always produced wide mass following and public acclaim. The key lies in following Savonarola's example, and like he did, appealing to the emotions. Rhetoric and disputation world over have been very effective in instigating radical changes to any systems that are publicly accepted and acclaimed. For one to effectively utilize the same, it is essential to familiarize with the users of yesteryears and know how effectively they did so. To say that Savonarola was simply effectively with his rhetoric would be an understatement.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Conclusion on Smartphone Essay

As the conclusion, the university students nowadays prefer to improve their vocabulary skill through smartphones rather than other devices especially in this era. This because through the smartphones they can easily download application such as dictionary besides can work the vocxabulary lesson through offline or outside the class. At the same time, these can make students’ life more flexible to improve their vocabulary at anywhere and anytime they want it without sticking at one place to learn it. According to Sarmiento (2002), the excited students said mobile device helped them to learn math and science better. It is proven, as we can see, students get more interested to learn any subject through their mobile devices rather than going to class or get it from books. Therefore, we hope the government will allow the students to bring the mobile devices to schoolto give them opportunities to experiments and discover the mobile technologies. However, the school has to impose some rules so that the students will not misused the device in wrong way. Firstly, the advantage of using smartphones in vocabulary skills among university students is students can download English language materials through their smartphones. These can be divided in two methods which is the first one is by downloading a dictionary which can help improving students’ vocabulary. According to Song and Fox (2008), in today’s technoly era, more students prefer to bring a downloaded handheld electronic dictionary or a mobile device rather than bringing along a thick dictionary to class or places of study. This true as we can see, many students use their smartphones to download dictionary to enrich their vocabulary for them to learn the pronounciation of unfimiliar words even it is outside of the class. Furthermore, it also provides opportunities for them to solve vocabulary problems during their lecture. For example, when the students look up for a new word or expression from hard copy handouts by the lecturer, most of them prefer to use their dictionary in their smartphones to search for the meaning of the word rather than searching in the thick dictionary which is heavy. The next method, is by using internet access to download dictionary for supporting education. Sophisticated mobile devices have been upgraded upgraded and used to support education through personal and social enrichment (Roschelle,Sharples&Chan, 2005).

Friday, September 27, 2019

MOVIE CRITIQUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MOVIE CRITIQUE - Essay Example Perseus is set to marry the beautiful princess Andromeda but she is to be sacrificed to the sea monster. Perseus must prevent this by killing the sea monster in time. At the same time, Perseus father feuds with goddess Thetis and the rivalry is full blown. Still, Perseus must proceed with his mission despite the numerous challenges that stand in his way. He faces a myriad of various creatures which he must slay to survive. Medusa is one creature that Perseus must locate and kill. The gaze of the creature can turn Kraken into stone and hinder his chances of saving Andromeda. He must kill each beast and handle the delicate capture of Andromeda wisely so that he can save her alive (Canby, 1981). The film does not have characters based on real people. Instead, the characters are made up to reflect the constituents reflected in the Greek mythology. This is why the film falls under the fantasy genre. The characters are imaginative and the events portrayed are highly unlikely to transpire in the real life. The characters potential and the nature of events transcend the laws of physics and exceed the ability of humans. The director’s use of no real characters and events squarely fits the elements of mythology. The film is set in ancient Greece. There is no apparent use of real locations but instead the director chooses to make representation of various critical locations. Such include Mount Olympus which formed the home of the Greek gods, the city of Joppa which was the residence of Princess Andromeda and the island of Seriphos where Perseus grew up. The representation was done well to compliment the fantasy element of the mythology. It is possible that the director did not use real locations because the story itself is not real. The applied special effects were not up to standard. A lot better in that field could have been necessary to give the film’s audience a better experience. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Four functions of management case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Four functions of management - Case Study Example The management skills, which accrue to a business’s success that you did not put into consideration, include controlling, planning, organizing, and directing skills that accrue to a successful business. According to your business statistics, you employed Lisa and entrusted her with all the business operations. Irrespective of you two being friends for a long time, you should not have trusted her with all the directive orders. She would report to work, wash the office and tidy up then start her daily chores. This was a lot for her and what she had not expected. She had to check all the tax forms and serve all the customers. For a business to be successful and achieve the goals and objectives, it should ensure a proper channel of communication between the workers (Richman 2012). Lisa had confidence that she was doing the right thing even after adding the three new employees. You should have controlled all of them since you are the senior manager. You should have given your orders to the employees in case of any changes, which should have been directly, or indirectly through According to Directive Path Theory, a business leader should give freedom to his/his employees for them to realize their job expectations. In reference to the theory, your management should do a follow up on employees’ tasks to ensure that they achieve the required job standards and set goals. Remarkably, members of the management are required to involve the subordinate staff in the process of making strategic decisions. You should have involved your employees in decision-making processes that would have helped produce effective workplace union. Employees can also motivated by awarding them accordingly after excellent progress in their work. Awards can be through issuing of presents and souvenir just as you did in your case. Additionally, you did not put your supervisions skills into consideration hence led to your employees taking advantage of the situation. As for Lisa’s

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 149

Assignment Example d that there exists several success along with critical issues pertaining to ERP implementation that acts as strong determinants for effective operation of the system. Correspondingly, those organizations willing to implement ERP system within its supply chain are required to combine skills, experience and know-how along with meeting the financial requirements. With respect to ERP system implementation in Nike, it was observed that the system failed to deliver the expected outcome (Nicolo, 2012; Wong et al., 2005) It was later observed that various factors contributed towards the failure and the degraded quality of the overall ERP system. Among the myriad factors responsible for low quality ERP system, one of the major aspects was particularly due to high rate of project team turnovers. Besides, it was also ascertained that consultant responsible for providing professional level advice to project team members relatively had low experience that resulted in ineffective communication of project goals during all phases of project management. In addition, poor quality training provided to personnel engaged in the project along with inadequate knowledge sharing amid the project team members, were also ascertained to have an adverse impact on the quality of effectiveness of new ERP system within Nike. Project managers involved in the project were not able to execute substantial control over the project management and to minimize the level of risks that arose during the course of ERP implementation. The insufficient financial resources provided by the top management within the organization also contributed towards the reduced quality of the ERP system. The project schedules were also extremely tight that forced to conduct the implementation activities in rush and eventually influencing the quality of the project outcome. The users within the organization also reveal certain degree of resistance and its impact was later visible in terms of poor quality of the ERP system

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Chemical Firms Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chemical Firms Plan - Case Study Example The sixteen firms plan a 7.6% rise in spending for new plants and equipment in 2007 to 0.4 billion, down from 28.1% and 16.5% for 2005 and 2006 respectively. While companies surveyed in January 2006 expected to increase capital spending by 17.0, the expected increase in R&D was 4.7%, proving that priorities and spending plans can change over the course of a year. This year's group reports that it actually increased R&D by 9.0%. Of the 16 companies that provided 2007 capital spending plans, 10 expect to increase spending on new plants and equipment compared with 2006, two plan to spend the same, and four have plans to cut back. This compares with 14 that increased spending in 2006 and two that pulled back. In some cases, firms are spending on new capacity in response to customer demands. Other firms intend to make capital improvements to enhance efficiency and productivity. Ferro, for instance, says it is increasing spending to fund productivity improvement and also to underwrite restructuring programs in its electronic materials and colors segments. The firm plans to increase capital spending by 36.4% to million in 2007. Of the 14 firms surveyed on R&D spending plans, nine plan to increase spending in 2007, three plan spending cuts, a... The 14 firms in this group budgeted a combined 0.6 billion for research in 2007, up 5.8% over 2006. Their plans mark a slowdown compared with the collective 7.3% and 9.0% boost to research budgets in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Funds slated for R&D tend to move in a narrower range than those for capital improvements. So when capital budgets jump, a proportionately smaller share of the budget goes to fund research. This year, the firms in C&EN's survey expect to devote 30.3% of future-oriented funds to research, compared with the decade high of 34.8% in 2004 and the decade low of 27.7% in 1997. The combined 2007 budget of the 14 firms that supplied both R&D and capital spending data is .5 billion. Despite the slowdown in the rates of increase, the figure marks a decade high. Four years ago, in 2003, the group's future-oriented spending hit a decade low of .9 billion. A significant run-up in capital expenditures gets most of the credit for the rebound. But take inflation into account, and the funds destined for future-oriented projects won't buy nearly as much as they did 10 years ago. The .5 billion that the group plans to spend this year is only .9 billion in 1997 dollars. Because of the boost in capital spending in recent years, the ratio of investment in new equipment to investment in research has steadily increased. Inevitably, inflation whittles away at the buying power of dollars devoted to research. The .6 billion devoted to R&D by this year's group of 14 companies represents only .1 billion based on a constant 1997 dollar. However, that .1 billion also marks the inflation-adjusted decade high. The Industrial Research Institute's "R&D Trends Forecast for 2007" notes that despite a slowing housing market and wavering consumer confidence, many

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Economics of housing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Economics of housing - Essay Example The two main historic junction points that can be identified are in the years of 1915-1919 and also in the year 1979. Occupation of ownership as well as social housing amplified their comparative size in the period of 1915 to 1979. At the same time the private renting contracted drastically. After 1979 till the early phases of 2000 owner occupation augmented at the cost of social housing. Since the year 1995 the comparative size of the private rented sector began to take the steep rising curve. The trends in tenure can be accounted to be the combination of political, economic as well as social drivers that played their role in the short and in the long run. Political transformations like supports from the local government and Rights to Buy interacted with the cycles of the economy to bring changes in attitudes to different tenures. The current trends suggest a mix in tenure of the housing system of UK. For the first time the comparative size of the owner occupied sector took the decl ining curve while at the same time the private rented sector took the oppositely sloping curve. The reason for such a drift may be the supreme numeral of households in owner occupation while the social rented sector remained stable. In the phase of 2005 to 2009 the number of households in the private rented sector augmented by more than one million households. ... If the recent trends sustain in 2013 then the private sector is expected to be larger than the social rented sector. Forecasts also point to the fact that by the end of the decade one in every five households would be private renters. The forecasting trends are based on the continuation of the recent trends. The figures point towards quick changes in tenure mix but the figures do not state how quickly the changes would take place. The key drivers that forced the recent changes in tenure mix are depicted in the diagram below: (Pattison, Diacon and Vine, 2010, p. 5). The three pillars taken in the diagram are owner occupation, private rented sector as well as social housing. The panel above the key drivers are regarded to be the drivers that act to increase the relative size while the panel below the drivers act to decrease the relative size. The structures above the pillar of owner occupation are tax advantages relative to other tenures, political support, preferred tenure and the Rig ht to Buy sales. The structures above the pillar of private rented sector are affordability relative to owner occupation, lifestyle changes increasing desire for mobility. The structures above the social housing pillar are financial stability, demand for social housing. The structures below the pillar of owner occupation are income constraints, wealth constraints and mortgage constraints. The structures below private rented sector are investment constraints, lack of political support, and tax incentive relative to owner occupation. The structures below social housing are Right to Buy sales and pressure on government spending. Question (ii) The report published by the HomeOwners Alliance states the owner occupation in UK is set to go below

Monday, September 23, 2019

Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Plan of Action (recommendation) Essay

Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Plan of Action (recommendation) - Essay Example One of the most popular studies has been undertaken by Skinner, which focuses on the issue of punishment and motivation. According to his argument, when a person is made to undergo a punishment, then they reflect upon their actions and try to mend their behavior in a manner that is more acceptable to the society. However, skinner further clarifies that one should teach good behavior through positive reinforcement. Consider the clip system as part of the ‘Intervention strategy’, which constituted thinking and formulation of a set of rules. Under an experiment, students in a class were made to develop a strategy to wait for their turn to recite a poem. While there were initial problems ranging from interruptions to a noisy classrooms to students disrespecting each other, inducing a sense of motivation into students to present a high five clip to the student at the start of a turn helped in bringing an order into the system where every student soon waited for their turn. As such, through the use of motivation, it can be seen that rules can be formulated gradually. Skinner’s study on operant conditioning in 1938 was to establish of positive reinforcement, which he believed helped maintain the desired behavior in a very effective manner. Parents and teachers make use of the concept of rewarding young children to help manage their behavior. Examples in this regard would be to give sweets or mark stars for a pupil who scored the highest grades in a particular subject or exam. Harry Wong has deduced that students tend to learn the best in a controlled environment when the number of rules is kept between 3 to 5, which helps students to remember them with ease. By devising a small set of tangible rules, students were able to practice their decision making abilities on the basis of these rules and make the necessary changes in an effort to accommodate themselves into the new rule based system. Another technique under behavioral psychology is self

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Health Care Reform Recommendations Essay Example for Free

Health Care Reform Recommendations Essay The topic of heath care reform is a highly debatable one. Many different organizations have diverse ideas on what is essential to ensure a successful healthcare system is developed in the United Sates. After reading recommendations to advance health care reform from the Mayo Clinic’s (2008), The Wall Street Journal’s Health Care CEO Council (2008), consisting of CEO’s from multiple different medical organizations, and America’s Health Insurance Plan (AHIP)(2007), the following is a list of three recommendations considered by all to be valid ideas for healthcare reform: 1. Access: Universal Health Insurance A. A comprehensive health care reform recommendation of providing universal access to affordable, guaranteed, quality insurance plans for those not covered by employer-based programs. This plan would require individuals to buy insurance, giving them choice, accessibility, control, and peace of mind. B. This reform would require adults to purchase private health insurance for themselves and their families. Employers could continue to participate by buying insurance for their employees or giving them stipends to purchase it. However, the individual would own the insurance. C. Appointing and independent agency to provide coordination, oversight and education for individuals choosing insurance options. 2. Quality: Reform the Payment System A. Change the reimbursement system to reward preventive care and evidence-based care, and extend government efforts to no longer reimburse inappropriate, unsafe or wasted care. Define and measure desirable outcomes for most common diseases. B. Payment to providers should be changed in order to improve health and minimize waste. Create payment systems that provide incentives for various providers to coordinate care, improve care, and support informed patient decision-making. Models of payment should be developed based on the success of chronic care coordination, care coordination teams, shared decision-making and episode-based payment. C. Change Medicare to a pay-for-value model. Redistribute Medicare payments to favor physicians who perform well, as opposed to the current system that rewards volume not value. Paying providers based on value can help produce desired results such as: great outcomes, safety, and service at an affordable cost over time. 3. Affordability: A. Poorly coordinated care also drives up costs when individuals seeing several health care practitioners receive the same diagnostic tests and procedures multiple times because one physician did not know that the other already had conducted them. Access to information that compares the effectiveness and cost of treatments: give providers, patients and purchasers access to a trusted source where they can find up-to-date and objective information on which health care services are most effective and provide the best value. B. Provide positive personal health habit incentives. Lifestyles characterized by smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise leading to obesity are key contributors to high health care costs in the United States. Childhood obesity significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood (CDC, 2006) and according to a study done by the Office of the US Surgeon General (2007), the complications from obesity: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are estimated to cost $92 billion (Finkelstein, 2003) in lost productivity per year whereas estimates suggest that the health consequences of smoking may lead to more than $75 billion per year in medical expenditures. C. Provide tax credits to individuals, families for the purchase of insurance, and to small business owners that provide medical coverage to employees. On January 24, 2007, while speaking about healthcare at Families USA, a healthcare advocacy group, then Senator Obama said â€Å" The time has come for universal health care in America [ ] I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country. (Wikipedia, n. d). Senator McCain however, proposed tax credits and open-market competition as opposed to government funding control (Wikipedia, n. d. ) In comparison, President Obama and Senator McCain, had similar plans in regards to cost and quality improvement. Both parties suggested the adoption of medical malpractice reforms, allowing drug re-importation, focusing on healthcare costs as a reflection of quality service, prevention and care of chronic conditions, and development/deployment of HIT. In addition to similarities in cost and quality improvement, both also believed that prevention is the key to creating a healthier population. Senator McCain focused more on individual responsibility in maintaining and healthy lifestyle whereas President Obama supported increased funding to community based preventive interventions. Overall, a comparison of both parties preliminarily health reform plans reflect multiple similarities in general ideas of needed reforms to the United Sate’s current healthcare system. Whether by adopting a universal healthcare system or implementing changes to the current system; extending coverage, lowering costs, and improving quality of care are all issues agreed upon by both parties as needing attention. References America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)(2007). Guaranteeing Access to Coverage for all Americans. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. ahipbelieves. com/media/AHIP%20Guarantee%20Access%20Plan. pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006). National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. cdc. gov/nchs/data/hesate/preliminarydesths05_tables. pdf. Finkelstein E. , et al. (2003). National medical spending attributable to obesity: How much and who’s paying? Health Affairs. W3: 219-226. The Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center (2008). Building Upon the Cornerstones: Recommendations, action steps and strategies to advance health care reform. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. mayoclinic. org/healthpolicycenter/recommendations. html The Wall Street Journal (2008) CEO Council: Shaping The New Agenda, Health Care. Retrieved 24 January 2009, from http://blogs. wsj. com/ceo-council/2008/11/23/health-care/ U. S. Surgeon General (2007). Overweight and Obesity: Health Consequences. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/topics/obesity/calltoaction/fact_consequences. htm. Wikipedia (n. d. ). HealthCare Reform in the United States. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_care_reform_in_the_United_States#cite_note-152

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The History Of Canadian Immigration

The History Of Canadian Immigration The History of Canadian Immigration is far from idyllic. Contrary to the myth cherished by most Canadians, immigrants were not always welcomed with an outpouring of compassion for the worlds downtrodden, oppressed and displaced. They were brought here to work and Canada was not about to coddle them. They toiled at back-breaking jobs ploughing farmland, laying railroad track, mining and cutting timber. They were sometimes shunned, patronized and exploited. (Malarek 1987) History repeats itself goes the saying. Decades later, the situation is the same except that, I would say, immigrants are most welcomed now, particularly highly skilled ones. They come to Canada and the majority of them are still toiling at back-breaking jobs. I decided to conduct this research after meeting many of my fellow co-workers who happened to be from my native homeland at my workplace (a call centre in Markham, Ontario) in the year 2005. I was a freshly landed immigrant, happy to have secured a transit job. I am using the term transit because I thought it was just a beginning, eventually I would land a job in my field(a teacher by profession, myself), but this hope was short lived. I was appalled to learn that people who were chief engineers, doctors, accountants (the list is exhaustive) in Mauritius, had been working as call centre agents for the last 3-4 years at that same location. I wanted to inquire into the myth and the reality of this phenomenon as it became evident that high skilled immigrants from Mauritius are underemployed in the Canadian workforce. Is Canada indeed gaining from these brains or are they simply brain drains for the sending country? The myth of securing a white collar job in Canada is short lived by the reality of the Canadian job market or rather the Canadian immigration system. The The 2008 Canadian immigrant labor market: Analysis of quality of employment (Stats Can) shows that more than 1.1 million workers aged 25 to 54 who had a university degree were working in occupations whose normal requirements were at most a college education or apprenticeship. The share of immigrants with degrees who were over-qualified was particularly prevalent among university-educated immigrants who landed within five years before the survey. Literature Review A hundred years from now, I dont suppose people will care all that much whether we legalised marijuana or not. But decisions about who you let into Canada will decide the kind of country we have 100 years from now on. Richard Tait, chairman of Canadian Immigration and Population study, Green paper 1975. (Knowles 2007) By the beginning of the 1980s, Canada was considered one of the primary countries responsible for global brain drain. Already in 1976, 59% of its approximately 150 000 immigrants were from developing countries in Asia, the West Indies and Africa. The demographic characteristics indicated a predominance of young adults whose intended occupations reflected their high levels of education. (Tanner, p.35) In an October 1999 speech, Elinor Caplan, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration at that time consciously said: Our goal is to make Canada a place for brain gain, not brain drain.(Tanner, p.39) The situation was alarming as studies showed that many of the well educated high-skilled immigrants from developing countries were working in low -salary jobs such as taxi-driving or marketers. Furthermore, 29% of male immigrants aged 25-44 who had arrived in Canada since 1991 were still unemployed. Canada has been extracting high cost immigrants from underdeveloped and developing countries, but simultaneously has not been able to optimally utilize the human capital invited to the country. It is clear that skills which are the basis for entry under the actual screening system, are being considered as mockery. (Tanner, p.39) Point System Canada actively seeks to recruit skilled workers from abroad. Immigrants must be highly educated and have broad based skills. Prospective migrants are selected through a point system that targets people less than 45 years old. It is clear therefore that the point system is in itself is categorising people according to their brains. Applicants are evaluated before migration on a number of human capital characteristics such as occupational skills, academic qualifications and money. Currently, 67 out of an available 100 points are required for an applicant to be successfully admitted. Educational credentials are awarded up to 25 points, official language knowledge is awarded up to 24 points, work experience is awarded up to 21 points, and the remaining 30 points are earned based on age, adaptability, and arranged employment (maximum 10 points each).(Li 2003) The Economic Class in Canada is designed to facilitate entry of skilled immigrants who are well prepared to adapt to Canadas labour market and economy. Similarly, a study by Picot and Hou (2003) found that in spite of the purported opportunities created by the knowledge-based economy, having a university degree did not protect recent immigrants from the increased likelihood of being low-income, regardless of their field of study. Indeed, the largest difference in low-income rates between the Canadian-born and recent immigrants was among university graduates, particularly those with engineering applied science degrees. Skills discounting, which refers to the devaluation of foreign experience and credentials, is understood to have two main causes. First, employers likely have imperfect information on the migrants source country, especially as source countries shift from European to Asian and African. It is unrealistic for Canadian employers to know, or even take the steps required to d etermine, the quality of international educational institutions, the curriculum of those institutions academic programs, and the relevance to the Canadian labour market of the skills imparted to their graduates. In response to this uncertainty, Canadian employers may adopt a risk-averse strategy, giving preference to Canadian experience and accreditations. There is evidence to suggest that there is considerable variance in the quality of foreign earned credentials (Sweetman 2004). In some cases, while the title of the foreign credential may be the same as one conferred in Canada, that foreign credentials actual contribution to Canadian labour market productivity is significantly less. This discrepancy certainly warrants caution from Canadian employers as it results in shocking waste of talent. It is now widely spread and acknowledged in the world that Canada is doing a poor job by not recognizing the skills and the work experience of high skilled immigrants. Basran and Zong (1998) showed that many foreign trained immigrants in professional fields experienced downward mobility in Canada and that an overwhelming majority of respondents attributed their occupational disadvantage to the problem of foreign credential devaluation. On one hand the point system favours professionals but on the other hand, overseas immigration officers do not point out the obstacles newcomers face in obtaining employment in their field of expertise. Mark Stolarik, a university of Ottawa history professor claims that immigration officers deliberately mislead professionals by not warning them against the closed stops of many Canadian professions, especially medicine. This drawback not only has serious implications within these immigrants community but it also affects the Canadian economy. According to the Conference Board of Canada, the frequent failure to recognise the qualifications of present day newcomers robs the economy of as much as $ 3.4 billion annually. (Knowles 2007). In light of the above, a study of the career path of highly skilled immigrants who left prestigious positions in the Republic of Mauritius for Canada; thinking that the pastures are greener here than there is sought. The research will also consider the effect of this abnormality in the family and the damage to the health of the main applicant. Research Question and Hypothesis. My general research questions are: Do highly skilled immigrants find employment in Canada that matches their skills? If immigrants are underemployed, does this represent a brain gain for Canada? Do highly skilled immigrants leave behind prestigious positions when immigrating to Canada? How far is the point system of immigration responsible for the deceit among the Mauritian immigrants in Canada? Is Canada injecting money in her economy by forcing highly skilled immigrants to re-certify themselves? My more specific questions will be: Why do Mauritians immigrate? What are the pull and push factors involved? What do you think will be the job prospects in your field? What if the Canadian pasture is not as green as expected? I hypothesize that high skilled immigrants from Mauritius are being duped by the point system in place to qualify as potential immigrant to Canada. Looking at their underemployment in the Canadian workforce, they seem to have been a brain drain for Mauritius rather than a brain drain to Canada. Research Design and Method I will conduct my research as participant observer in employment agencies across the three metropolitan cities of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. These are the cities where majority of Mauritian immigrants settle with their families. I will also be conducting targeted interviews among highly skilled professionals. It will be necessary to do a comparative research in order to get a better insight of what is happening across Canada, this will help to eliminate biases to some extent. By extending the study throughout these three cities, I will be able to determine if Mauritians settled elsewhere, other than Toronto, are being favoured based on their ethnicity and language ability. I will point out here that Mauritians are multi ethnic (Muslims, Hindus, Anglo-Saxons, Jewish, Chinese, Negroes and Tamils).They are all officially bilingual (English and French).Anglo-Saxons of French descent and Negroes choose Montreal as their new home because they are the most avid French speakers in Maur itius and they carry the hope of securing a job based on their qualifications due to that advantage.. I will want to know if these people are encountering the same problem as their counterparts in Toronto or Vancouver .I suppose they might be luckier since Montreal is French speaking. My research will be cross-cultural as I will be studying 3 samples of each ethnic group in each city. The research will be divided into 2 groups: those who are already in Canada and those who are applying for immigration to Canada. For that latter part, I will travel to Mauritius and I will carry my research there for a period of 10 days. My study in itself will last 12 months. To get samples, I will target areas inhabited by different ethnic groups. This will be made possible by attending the community worship places on Sundays. Once I get 1-2 people, I will proceed by snowballing; this method involves contacting other people through a first set of known people. I will advertise my research project in strategic areas such as in the vicinity of immigrant help centres and schools. These will not be necessary in Mauritius due to its size and the familiarity with the island. I will consult the Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Statistics Canada websites as well for a detailed analysis of high skilled immigrants employment. Notebooks, audio and video recordings will be used during the entire process and a daily analysis will be done and recorded accordingly. Ethical Considerations and Practical Problems It goes without saying that ethics and piratical problems will be part and parcel of my research. I am speculating forward to raising painful memories amongst the immigrant groups, particularly those have had to sell all their assets back home to be able to afford the cost of immigration. I will point out that here that a family of four persons should have a minimum of $15000 Can (which approximately amounts to 450 000 Mauritian rupees, that is a considerable amount of money for the working class in Mauritius).In many a case, people either sell their property or borrow from others to afford the move, which is considered a matter of privilege that is not given to everybody. With this in mind, people might not want to go back home after realising that their degrees have no worth in Canada. How can they face their family and friends, what will they tell them and where will they live? Another problem could be the fear of being recognised on television through the documentary, they do not want people back home to learn about their condition through me. They will not be willing to be interviewed by a citizen of their country for that purpose. Shame will definitely act as a barrier between us. While some will repulse me, others will accept to talk to me and by so doing; they will pretend to be happy. They will not be eager to show their suffering to people of Mauritius ever since their arrival, they will probably be lying about their job status by pretending to be working in their field of origin. People do not want to become a laughing stock of others they have left back, particularly those who might have been jealous with their big move. So, they will definitely not want to speak about their frustration and deceit. Gender discrimination is another factor that can influence my research negatively. Mauritians have the habit of underestimating the capabilities of women; therefore I will expect my respondents to either not talk to me at all or show superiority complex towards me. They might want to make me feel low. Others, who like the anonymity of the big city, will not bother to come forward to introduce themselves to me or even worse to participate in a TV documentary. On one hand the fact that I am a Mauritian too, might push me to over identification, in the sense that I might be tempted to share my subjects problems by intervening. I might become emotional on witnessing their situation. On the other hand, I might hesitate to tell future immigrants about the under employment problem endured by Mauritians in Canada. I will be ill treated. They will take for granted that I will be discouraging them from moving or they might say: What are you doing there then? By not saying anything to them, will I not be unethical in my research? Considering the above points, I am sure to be biased in my research to an uncontrollable extent. For the purpose of this research, I will hold all of my information like names of people, names of cities and any information of sensitive nature in strict confidence. Pseudonyms will be used .I will be the one video recording my subjects and I will make sure their face appears as scrambled on TV.I will even try to use technology to modify their voices. These conditions will be discussed with them beforehand and by so doing, I will be protecting the identity of my respondents. Primary reference: Books Campbell, C. M. (2000). Betrayal Deceit: The politics of Canadian immigration. West Vancouver, BC: Jasmine Books. The author goes analyses the sensitive issues around the Canadian immigration. He enumerates some of the myths of immigration, namely, the rate of annual immigration, low birth rate and immigration, need for a larger population, contribution of immigrants in the Canadian economy and job creation amongst others. Kapur, Devesh McHale John. (2005). Give Us Your Best and Brightest: The global hunt for talent and its impact on the developing world. Washington, D.C.: Center for Global Development. The authors discuss the impact of globalization on migration around the world. They also talk about how talent hunt results in brain drain due to this phenomenon. Knowles, Valerie. (2007). Strangers at Our Gates. Canadian Immigration and Immigration policy, 1540-2006. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press. The author gives us an insight of the beginnings of the Canadian immigration, the arrival of the European settlers and the Jewish settlers. She also talks about the post war boom and the implementation of the point system. She differentiates between the advantages and disadvantages of the system. Li, Peter S. (2003).Destination Canada: Immigration Debates and Issues. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. Its a book about the history of immigration and globalization and how the latter has created numerous opportunities for high-skilled immigrants, mainly in the U.S, Canada and Australia. It also talks about how these countries are benefitting from the mobility of these highly skilled professional immigrants. Malarek, Victor (1987). Havens Gate: Canadas Immigration Fiasco. Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada. The author writes about how immigration has impacted the social and economic fabric of Canada. He discusses the crisis immigrants undergo and the position of politicians with respect to it. Tanner, Arno. (2005).Emigration, Brain Drain and Development: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa. Helsinki, Finland: East-West Books Helsinki, Finland and Migration Policy Institute. The author gives an insight of how international migration is increasingly becoming a matter of selection. He shows how international and educated labour from developing countries to developed countries is considered a win-win situation. He writes about how this can have serious unintended impact for countries of origin. Journals: Beine, M., Docquier, F., Rapoport, H. (2008). Brain drain and human capital formation in developing countries: Winners and losers*. The Economic Journal, 118(528), 631-652. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2008.02135.x This journal article talks about the impact of brain drain on developing countries. Chetsanga, C.J. (2003). An Analysis of the Cause and Effect of the Brain Drain in Zimbabwe. Harare: SIRDC It is a research study carried out to inquire into why Africans (Zimbabweans) leave their country to settle elsewhere. The writer talks about how the Diaspora should play a role in reducing the push and pull factors triggering the desire to move. Kabra, Nayan K. (1975).Political economy of brain drain. Reverse Transfer of Technology. New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann. Kabra discusses the effects of brain drain and how the latter can turn into reverse transfer of technology. Oreopoulos, P. (2009). Why do skilled immigrants struggle in the labour market a field experiment with six thousand resumes? Vancouver, BC: Metropolis British Columbia. Retrieved from The researcher investigates responses to job postings targeted by recent immigrants landed under the point system and that of non immigrants in an employment agency in Toronto. He gives the readers surprising results. Please come, we need you. (2002). Economist, 363(8268), 36-39. Reitz, G. Jeffrey. (2001). Immigrant Success in the Knowledge Economy: Institutional Change and the Immigrant Experience in Canada, 1970-1995, vol: 57 iss: 3. Reitz examines the institutional changes associated with the emergence of a knowledge economy specifically the expansion of education and the changing labor market structure, shaped employment experiences of newly arriving immigrants to Canada over the period 1970-1995 doi: 10.1111/0022-4537.00230 Roisin, Anne-Christine. (2004, December). The Brain Drain. UN Chronicle, 41(4), 51-52, 57. Document ID: 809767831. Roisin discusses the benefits and losses of skilled migration and the role of the government sand international bodies with respect to the phenomenon. Schwanen, Daniel. (2000).Putting the Brain Drain in Context, 140 8001-824. Somerville, Kara Walsworth, Scott (2009). Vulnerabilities of Highly Skilled Immigrants in Canada and the United States, American Review of Canadian Studies 39: 2 Retrieved from Togman, J.M. (2005).The suffering of the Immigrant. International Migration Review, v. 39 no.2 Retrieved from Websites: Citizenship and Immigration Canada Statistics Canada Galameau, Diane. Morissette, Renà ©. (2004). Perspectives on Labour and Income. Immigrants: Settling for less? Vol.5, no. 6 This online article talks about the hurdles of highly qualified immigrants with respect to finding an appropriate job in Canada. The writers discuss the factors influencing this state of things and make a comparison of these immigrants to their Canadian born counter parts. Interviews: Informal interviews have been carried out. Neighbours, friends and some close relatives have been informally interviewed with respect to the subject matter. Additional Readings: (Biles, Burstein Frideres, 2008). Immigration and Integration in Canada: In the Twenty-first Century. Kingston, ON: Queens University Publications Unit. (K. Dewalt, 2002; B. Dewalt, 2002). Participant Observation: A Guide for Field Workers Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. Glazer, Myron.(1972). The Research Adventures: Promise and Problems of Field Work. New York: Random House. Hellman, Judith, A. (2008). The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place. New York: The New Press. Jankowski, Martin, S. (1991).Islands In the Street: Gangs and American Urban Society. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. . .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Before and After Cloud Computing in DPG Group of Companies

Before and After Cloud Computing in DPG Group of Companies About the company DPR Group, Inc., a full-service public relations, marketing and communications agency, was stuck in a technology rut that stymied productivity and limited their growth. DPG group broke free of the break-fix model of managed services and leaped ahead with cloud computing. DPR Group with a vision to open small satellite offices in technology hubs throughout the eastern United States. At the time of my technology challenge, DPG had expanded to two offices for nearly 15 employees with their headquarters in Germantown, Maryland, and a second office in Cary, North Carolina. However, providing expert public relations and marketing services to high-tech companies requires a strong technology infrastructure to effectively communicate with   clients. Without an on-site IT resource, one of their obstacles to growth was finding a way to keep all   in-house technology running smoothly. For four years worked with a managed services provider to help maintain their PCs, a Dell PowerEdge Server, and internal networks in both of DPG offices. Although the CEO of   managed services provider spoke eloquently about their companys preventative approach to computer maintenance, they actually spent far more time trying to fix things after they broke. What were the problems before moving to cloud Before moving   cloud number   of issues that challenged their ability to maintain the high-level client service that they offer. Downtime, latency, reliability, and accessibility were just a few reoccurring issues. For example,   managed services provider would frequently run software updates on Sunday nights and, due to compatibility issues with the updates and a lack of testing, the server would often crash on Monday mornings. This left   staff scrambling to work from back-up files, while the managed services provider attempted to fix the problem. Also, when working remotely, their staff used Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) with severe latency and connectivity issues that caused delays and required additional time to complete basic tasks such as reconnection, file uploads, or even simply writing an email. Their managed services provider also experienced a lot of personnel turnover. Every time someone new started working on DPG account, they have to re-explain everything about not only the issue they were having, but also how our entire system was set up because the new expert staff was not familiar with their system. Not unexpectedly, DPG received daily complaints from my staff about how technology issues were making it difficult for everyone to do their job effectively. After discussing specific challenges with each of thier staff members, DPG calculated that every employee was losing from seven to nine days of productivity per year due to time spent waiting for a tech to fix the problems. What were the benefits of moving to cloud First they started   search for a new vendor by talking with a number of managed services providers that all promised to do a much better job of maintaining   computers and networks. More importantly, they started hearing the term cloud computing, and learned that it could streamline a lot of processes and significantly improve DPG productivity. Although cloud might be a better model for them, DPG also would need a local IT resource to maintain the basic hardware in our two different offices. After reviewing proposals from a number of providers within the Washington, D.C., metro area, DPG selected Virgina-based Cetrom Information Technology to take them to the cloud. This cloud computing service provider stood out from the rest for a few primary reasons. First, Cetrom offered a truly hosted cloud model. Other cloud providers would host data on the cloud, but install applications locally. It was either that, or they would have to use limited-functionality, software-as-a-service (SaaS) versions of their standard software. Cetrom, however, hosted the full, traditional versions of our software in the cloud and seamlessly mirrored a local environment. The Cetrom Hybrid places a small server on site in DPG headquarters that replicates the data to and from the cloud in real time. previously   they used to having all   IT within the office. Also, Cetroms senior-level engineers really took the time to understand DPG business goals and processes during roll out. From there, they designed   cloud solution for DPG-with strong business continuity and disaster recovery plans, and easy access to key applications-around all business, instead of making them adapt to a rigid, out-of-the-box solution. To avoid lost productivity hours, Cetroms engineers migrated DPG applications and data over the weekend .Working in the cloud provides numerous benefits. The primary benefit is the anytime, anywhere access to all the files and applications, with only an Internet connection. The ability to set permissions by users is also extremely beneficial as it ensures only authorized personnel have access to files, such as financials. Cetrom not only maintains its equipment and ensures the security of all its clients data, the company also constantly reviews the applications and services it provides clients to ensure they are the best available. Since moving to the Cetrom cloud, the company has changed spam filters for the email a few times, and each time they seen an improvement. The current version now catches about 99.5 percent of all incoming spam emails-an immense improvement over our previous provider. Perhaps the most important benefit of all is system reliability. Cetrom has a track record of zero downtime since its founding nearly 15 years ago. This one aspect returned nearly 10 hours of productivity back to DPG staff-equal to $50,000 annually-so they can focus on serving DPG clients. The cost savings from operational expenses in North Carolina-more than $70,000 annually-allowed them to move from   Germantown, Maryland, location to a larger, nicer office in Frederick, Maryland, with double the capacity for staff. Migrating to the cloud with Cetrom was one of the best business decisions DPG ever made. They have not had any downtime since DPG started with Cetrom, DPG data is available anytime, and they dont receive complaints from the staff about technology issues anymore.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

evilmac darkmac Darkness, Evil and Tragedy in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Free Macbeth Essays

Macbeth: Darkness, Evil and Tragedy Macbeth is a play full of darkness, evil, and tragedy. It is the story of a man who goes against his conscience and commits a horrible deed which leads to his destruction and loss of everything he has around him. This includes the relationship he has with his wife, Lady Macbeth. In the end, he can blame no one but himself. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a very strong relationship and this deteriorates later. Act 1 Scene 5 is a key scene which shows just how close Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were at the beginning of the play; it shows their original relationship. Macbeth has written a letter to Lady Macbeth telling her of everything and in this letter states algo that she helped him to get everything for him. The following speech where Lady Macbeth doubts that he can get to the title of King "he is too full of the milk of human kindness" shows just how close they were. It establishes the fact that she knew him so well, she knew what he was like and it emphasises the closeness of their relationship. She speaks of how he has enough ambition but not enough courage. His "overiding ambition" is not enough. When Macbeth and Lady Macbeth speak, they speak to eachother with such closeness and bond; he calls her his "dearest chuck", his "partner of greatness". She knows that he is too weak to do anything and states her position in the murder "leave the rest to me". In Act 1, Scene 7 establishes the force and power that Lady Macbeth posseses over her husband. Upon hearing of Macbeth's decision not to kill Duncan, she is outraged and starts to work her force and power upon him. She knows where he is most vulnerable and attacks him at his weak spot. She strikes him at his manhood and courage. This of course works on Macbeth and she knows that it will. No one calls Macbeth a coward. She says that he is a coward and attacks his manliness. "to be more than what you are, you would be so much more the man". She challenges his love for her and says that she would rather "dash the brains out" of her own child than break such a promise as Macbeth has to her. Whether she was bluffing, the imagery that Macbeth would have had in his mind at this point would have been frightening. To have the brains "dashed out" of his own child.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why Do People Help Others? Essay -- essays research papers

To discuss why people help others we must consider whether people are by nature selfless or selfish. The dominant view today in psychology is of universal egoism; that we are fundamentally selfish, and that altruism (helping motivated by the wish to benefit another person) an impossibility.One form of universal egoism is Piliavin et al’s "arousal: cost-reward" model, whereby faced with a potential helping situation we weigh the probable costs and rewards of alternative courses of action, then arrive at a decision which produces the best outcome for ourselves.Darley and Batson (1973) conducted an experiment into the effect of the cost time in the decision to offer help. They found that 63% of students with plenty of time to get to their next lecture helped a man clearly ill in the doorway, whilst 45% who were right on schedule helped, but only 10% of those who were late. However, although a natural setting was used, as an experiment this evidence is not very ecologic ally valid.The Sociobioligical approach also sees helping as egoistic, but in terms of the individual maximising their inclusive fitness (increasing the chances of their genes being passed on), rather than their personal fitness. This seems to be the case when we look at the apparent altruistic behaviour of various species. For example, when a honey bee dies when stinging an enemy, " their sacrifice they are increasing the reproductive chances of their fertile relatives thus ensuring that the...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Analyse the dramatic Essay

Analyse the dramatic importance of the end of act one of  Ã¢â‚¬ËœA View from the Bridge’  Aurther Miller is play writer of ‘A View from the Bridge’ who uses a range of technique to illustrate the importance of the play, such as stage directions and language.  At the end of act 1, Miller creates an atmosphere that Alfieri is weak where he says â€Å"I was so powerless† indicating that even a lawyer who should be confident on what to do, was clueless. Further to this there is a suspense tension on what will happen next, where Alfieri visits an old lady to question about the fate of Eddie Carbone. The last statement of Alfieri after his discussion with the lady ends with, â€Å"And so I waited here† which gives a sense to the audience that Alfieri himself fears that a disaster will happen and so we are curious and anxious to find out.  In the next part of the extract, it opens up as they are a big ecstatic family, as normally Catherine boosts about Rodolfo about what he did.† They went to Africa once. On a fishing boat (Eddie Glances at her) its true Eddie† representing Eddie doesn’t really want to know what they did. As the family talk about what the 2 submarines, Rodolfo doest want to contribute in the conversation therefore he sits near Catherine while she is â€Å"reading a magazine† On stage while they were Talking about fishing boats Eddie especially concentrates on what Marco says and replies back to him in a very quick speed, â€Å"Marco: sardines. Eddie: sure. (laughing) how are you gonna catch sardines on a hook?† Seeing that the 2 boys were having an argument. Beatrice steps in and tries to change the subject.  The mood and atmosphere is very cheerful as Catherine goes on about Rodolfo’s adventure. Eddie then jokes about that they â€Å"paint oranges to make them look like oranges† Marco then reacts to eddies joke thinking that he is telling the truth. Rodolfo is helping his brother by changing the subject â€Å"lemons are green† there becomes a conflict between Rodolfo and Eddie .he therefore reveals his ignorance â€Å"for Christ sake†

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hrm approaches in different work systems

HRM Approaches in different Work systems: A comparing between fabrication works and name Centre of high street bankTinging WangAs Peter Boxall and John Purcell ( 2008 ) mentioned in literature, work system refers to â€Å"choices about what work needs to be done, about who will make it, and about where and how they will make it† . Each work system contains its characteristics to interact with operation picks every bit good as HR direction. This paper chiefly focus on the relationship between work systems and schemes of HR, particularly in comparing 2 different types of work systems and their corresponding attacks to HR. I will explicate this in the chief 2 parts follow a 3-step-way: environment analysis, work system and HR attacks.Approachs to in fabrication worksAssume there is a new, high engineering and capital intensive fabrication works in York. Since the works is a new entrant in the industry, its purpose is fundamentally cost control and using market portion. The capita l intensive, high engineering characteristic and cost control demand find the works has to restrict the figure of employees and heighten their abilities and efficiency in work. As we can see, the works is a typical theoretical account of fabrication houses. Manufacturing industry ab initio employed low paid labours to carry through merely, repeated work and without a basic cognition demand. It was argued by Watson ( 1986 ) that workers were machines utilizing motor non mental accomplishments. As the engineering developed quickly these old ages in fabrication industry, machines can largely take over the occupations done by labours and force the employees to another degree called â€Å"high involvement† ( Lawler, 1986 ) , and other similar attacks as â€Å"high commitment† ( Arthur, 1992 ) , â€Å"high performance† ( Huselid, 1995 ) or â€Å"sophisticated† ( Koch and McGrath, 1996 ) . James, Chester and Robert ( 2002 ) concluded former literatures and described high engagement work systems ( HIWSs ) being utilized by provide employees accomplishments, information, motive, and latitude to derive the work force ‘s fight. The high engagement attacks was discussed by Vandenberg, Richardson and Eastman ( 1999 ) based on Lawler ‘ ( 1986 ) high-involvement work procedures, which contains 4 factors as â€Å"PIRK† theoretical account. In â€Å"PIRK† theoretical account â€Å"P† stands for power, â€Å"I† means information, â€Å"R† refers to honor and â€Å"K† is defined as cognition. By this means, a set of HR attacks can be generated through enhance each variable of â€Å"PIRK† to accomplish concluding results. For case, developing chances can be used as a HR attack to heighten employees ‘ cognition and straight better their abilities to work out jobs. This is a direct manner of utilizing the theoretical account as Batt ( 2002 ) mentioned in his work, and the indirect manner influence employees ‘ motive and satisfaction to do them experience comfort and safe at work. In general, the HR attacks can be used in a fabrication works includes the undermentioned cardinal patterns: 1. Teamworking. As we mentioned before, the works is extremely concentrated on doing usage of engineering and capital resources, teamworking is a opportunity for employees to acquire involved in of import events in the works. It can impact workers in organisational committedness, work satisfaction every bit good as cognition betterment. 2. Advanced preparation. The works has needs on invention and merchandise design to vie in the market as a new comer, therefore the preparation has to be of some proficient degree which is firm-related and more hard than general preparation. Advanced preparation can break assist employees to derive information and cognition, and cut down the opportunity of turnover. 3. Incentive patterns. In a freshly works, if there is excess budget can be used on wagess, there should hold some inducement patterns. Not merely this method can actuate employees to give more, but besides it can heighten their duties to the works, if the wagess are really portions of the works. There are much more attacks can be used in this works to better public presentation, nevertheless, the effectivity still becomes an unsure inquiry, since there is no measurings to measure the whole procedure.Approachs to name Centre for a high street bankIn comparing, we imagine there is a call Centre to be established for a high street bank. Bank industry is more of service-oriented, name Centre in a high street bank is non expected to convey about net income straight. The employees ‘ duties are to work out jobs that already happened in the yesteryear or expected to be happened in the hereafter. They give the replies from a wide-ranging inquiry bank which contains the frequent asked inquiries and high-strung inquiries. All of them attached replies below so that the operators on the phone can reply different inquiries with in a short clip. Besides the replies, operators from the call Centre besides needs to be use properly words, looks, melodies, and purely follow a standardise d expression to make the whole telephone communications. The characteristics of call Centre determined the employees they wanted are more general background, better in communicating merely like a good hearer with first-class apprehension and ability of unwritten look. Service market is more labour intensive compared to fabricating industry, and name Centre can be categorized into the â€Å"Tightly Constrained† work systems, harmonizing to Herzenberg ( 1998 ) ‘s typology of work systems. Herzenberg describe this type of service as â€Å"high volume, low cost, standardised quality, tight undertaking supervising, low to chair formal instruction of workers, and limited training† . Boxall ( 2003 ) followed Herzenberg ‘s work and defined 3 types of competition and work organisation in private sector services. Based on his definition, call Centre belongs to â€Å"Massive service firms† which related to a mix of mass markets and higher value-added sections. There are important differences in HR schemes between a hi-tech fabrication works and a high street call Centre. Though Boxall ( 2003 ) pointed out that houses aim for high-valued sections in services are more likely to utilize HIWSs attack in HRM, a call Centre still can non suit the HIWSs really good. One of the grounds as I mentioned earlier is that call Centre â€Å"is non expected to convey about net income directly† . In this instance, even if utilizing HIWSs to better service quality and heighten employees ‘ felicity index can be worked out, that wo n't bring forth excess net income for the bank. Customers may take another bank since they discover their current bank truly defeated because of a hapless quality telephone service, but they are less likely to take a bank merely based on its absolutely high degree of telephone service. After examined the characteristics and work system of call Centre, a figure ( Figure 1 ) will be given out to exemplify the properly attack of HRM which is suggested to be adopted by a call Centre director. The figure contains both the attacks and demands. Left side stands out the cardinal attacks of HR which match the center and right characteristics of employees.Key HR attacksEmployee competenceEmployee committednessGeneral preparation ; Communicationss ; Performance assessment ;Standardized behaviour ; Communication accomplishmentsStress degree ; Work balance ;Figure 1: Approachs used in call Centre The HR attacks are used to heighten either employee competence or committedness to accomplish farther results. They looks much simpler compared with fabrication works, that is because the two houses have different characteristics and results.DecisionIt is evidently that a fabrication works adopts different HR attacks compared with a call Centre. The grounds are assorted and difficult to separate, since there are so many factors inside or outside the houses and interact with each other all the clip. However, there are three chief grounds affect the HR direction within different work systems. First one is production factor. Whether the house is capital intensive or labour intensive determines the graduated table and cost of employees as the former tends to engage fewer employees with high demand and the latter tends to maintain equal employees with general cognition backgrounds. The 2nd factor is merchandise distinction. An industry which requires extremely differentiation merchandise the information and cognition is needed all the clip therefore the HR attack in preparation is intensive and specialized so that the worker can use it to work and heighten public presentation. By contrast, a call Centre offers about the same service to different clients ; therefore the preparation attack is more basic and contains regulations, ordinances to accomplish consistence and homogeneousness. The 3rd factor is profitableness. Profitableness differs in specific types of places ; a research section director in fabrication works normally generates more net incomes than a telephone operator in call Centre. In that instance the director will derive occupation satisfaction through wagess and engagement in concern determination devising, whereas the telephone operator may experience less satisfied in work and has turnover purpose. The ground is merely because houses need to maintain profitable employees stable and disregard or pay less attending on the common employees without comp etitory advantage. The 3 factors reflects how the work system and HR purposes combined together to impact HR attacks. These attacks, nevertheless, run into a major challenge of steps. Previous literatures like Arthur ( 1992, 1994 ) , Huselid ( 1995 ) , James, Chester and Robert ( 2002 ) did empirical work on steps to measure effectivity of HR attacks. James, Chester and Robert ( 2002 ) province the relationship between a differentiation-oriented competitory scheme and its public presentation is positive. Whether all these attacks and measurings can be trusted in the bounds of good sense or practicality is a large issue we should concentrate on the hereafter.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Women Role in Athenian Society

Women†s role in Greece can be seen when one first begins to do research on the subject. The subject of women in Greece is coupled with the subject of slaves. This is the earliest classification of women in Greek society. Although women were treated differently from city to city the basic premise of that treatment never changed. Women were only useful for establishing a bloodline that could carry on the family name and give the proper last rites to the husband. However, women did form life long bonds with their husbands and found love in arranged marriages. Women are â€Å"defined as near slaves, or as perpetual minors† in Athenian society (The Greek World, pg. 200). For women life didn†t extend far from the home, which was thought to be their sole realm of existence. Though they ranked higher than slaves did, they were treated in many of the same ways. Just like slaves, their mothers trained women as adolescents what their domestic duties were. They were secluded from all males, including those in their family. They lived in gynaikeion, which were women†s apartments in Athens (Daily Life in Greece, pg. 55). They were kept at home where they were taught the proper manners and duties of a desirable wife. â€Å"Marriage was the inevitable goal to which her whole life tended. To remain a spinster was the worst disgrace which could befall a woman† (Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 82). However, it was seen as more of a disgrace on her father who ‘owned† her until she was married. Although Athenian women were completely in charge of their household and slaves, they didn†t have much freedom. They rarely left the house, unless they were part of some sort of religious procession. They could only walk abroad in the streets if accompanied by a slave or other attendant. It was improper for respectable women to share the same social entertainments as men. Even if caught in the courtyard of the house by a male visitor, they would return to the seclusion of their own apartments. Pericles once said, â€Å"it was their business to be spoken of as little as possible whether for good or ill† (Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 82). This sentiment describes the extent of the importance of women in society. Marriage was their only major role in the lives of men. The betrothal was arranged by the parents as a strictly business contract. The parent†s choice of a suitable groom for their bride was a matter of pride and status for the family. The groom†s choice in bride was largely determined by the amount of dowry the bride would bring with her. Although the wedding was a happy ceremony, it was only the beginning of a woman†s loss of independence. Not only did women possess no independent status in the eyes of the law; she always remained under the supervision of a male. If her husband died, she was returned to her father†s or brother†s home where they would take charge of her. After the wedding, the wife†s duties were centered on the management of the home. She would overlook the slaves, mend and make clothing for her family, usually done by spinning or knitting, weave rugs and baskets for the home, or just fold and refold the clothing kept in the family chest. The wife was also responsible for maintaining her attractiveness for her husband. A proper Athenian wife would adorn herself with jewelry and use rouge upon her husband†s arrival home. Sometimes she might spend an entire evening sitting next to the couch where her husband lay reclining. Most importantly the Athenian women were seen as â€Å"fine upstanding matrons† fit to bear a race of excellent athletes† (Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 86). An Athenian man married primarily to have children. These children were expected to care for him in his old age, but more importantly to bury him with the â€Å"full appropriate rites† (Daily Life in Greece, pg. 57). Moreover, Athenian men married to have male children in order to perpetuate the family line and guarantee him honors when he died. It was also a large disgrace for a man to be unmarried. Basically, Athenians married not out of love for each other, but for religious and social convenience. All this aside, love was abundant in Greek society. Although love was never a determining factor in marriages, a lifelong bond and devotion developed between a couple as the years passed. â€Å"We know that the Greeks of the fifth and fourth century used the word eros (love) to describe the passion linking a husband and his wife† (Daily Life in Greece, pg. 58). There are many instances in myth and history where husbands and wives in Greek society have sacrificed themselves for the sake of the other. They were bonded together by their love of their family and by their dedication to each other through their family. Women were dedicated to the happiness of their husband and the well being of their children. Men were dedicated to providing for and supporting their family and raising noteworthy children. These common goals brought together the husband and wife like never before. It was this bond that sparked the beginning of a lifelong commitment to one another and the growth of th eir love for one another. Although women were not given formal rights, they were able to find pride and happiness in the mundane applications of their life. Women found pride in their children and satisfaction in their husband†s happiness. I would like to leave you with closing remarks that illustrate the bond between a wife and her husband. â€Å"The greatest pleasure to me will be this, that, if you prove yourself my superior, you will make me your servant and there will be no fear lest with advancing years your influence will wane; nay the better companion you are to me and the better guardian of the house to our children, the greater will be the esteem in which you are held at home; and all will admire you, not so much for your good looks as for your good deeds in practical life† (Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 86). â€Å"Atthis, who didst live for me and breathe thy last toward me, once the source of all my joy and now of tears, holy, much lamented, how sleepst thou the mournful sleep, thou whose head was never laid away from thy husband†s breast, leaving Theios alone as one who is no more; for with thee the hope of our life went to darkness† (Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 87).